Inactive lifestyle, stress, and poor nutrition can sap our immune system of its effectiveness. The negative impact of structural, biochemical and emotional stress on the immune system is profound. A diet full of inflammatory and processed foods such as refined sugar accelerates aging and hinders a number of critical immune system components, including cellular response and antibody production.
As our immune system weakens, susceptibily to infection is increased. Some of this increased susceptibility is linked to chronic inflammation, which is associated with many chronic disorders. There is no question that nutrient-rich foods, targeted supplementation, pure water, exercise, chiropractic spinal adjustments and relaxation play important roles in maintaining a healthy immune system and inflammation levels. (1,2,3)
Consider just a few of these research findings:
§ Poor nutrition causes a decline in immune function and increased susceptibility to infection. (4) Likewise, a vitamin or mineral deficiency can suppress immune system function. Correct choices of supplements, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, probiotics, and botanicals have been shown to boost immunity and may also reduce the risk of diseases in healthy Individuals.
§ Dietary deficiencies and malabsorption alter metabolism and exacerbate chronic disorders. An imbalance in the intake of dietary fat, carbohydrate, and protein can contribute to the development of diseases and increased risk of infection. On the other hand, there is overwhelming evidence of the benefits of a good diet on reducing the risk of many chronic diseases and infections.
§ Psychological health influences the immune system and the course of many diseases. Depression, stress, and anxiety increase the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals in the blood, which in turn can compromise, depress, or suppress the immune system.
§ High levels of anxiety are associated with decreased immune function.
§ Chronic stress can provoke long-term increases in pro-inflammatory chemicals.
§ Chronic stress can also lead to immune alterations that persist for years.
Dr. Sannelli and other Integrative, Chiropractic and Functional Medicine physicians help reduce people's stress and improve their overall health through nutrition, lifestyle and dietary methods. We guide people in taking proactive steps to bolster their immune function in enjoyable ways. This means decompressing from and reducing psychological stress; following a moderate, long-term exercise program; eating a nutritious, wholesome diet and consuming nutrients that have been shown to enhance the immune response and promote health. Some of these nutrients include Vitamins A, D, E, C and B-complex, as well as omega 3 fatty acids, spore probiotics, garlic and parsley. (4,5)
Dr. Sannelli offers a 100% natural, personalized healthcare designed to heighten immune response and resistance to infection. With stronger immune function, our defense systems are stronger and more effective at protecting us from infections and disease. For more information and tips on natural health and wellness or to contact Dr. Sannelli for a private, online Functional Medicine consultation, go to
1. National Institutes of Health. The common cold and complementary health approaches. December, 2019.
2. Teodorczyk-Injeyan JA, McGregor M, Ruegg R, Injeyan HS. Interleukin 2-regulated in vitro antibody production following a single spinal manipulative treatment in normal subjects. Chiropr Osteopat. 2010;18:26. doi:10.1186/1746-1340-18-26
3. Teodorcyzk-Injeyan, JA, Injeyan, HS, Ruegg R, et al. J. Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2006; 29 (1) 14-21.
4. Wu D, Lewis ED, Pae M, Meydani SN. Nutritional Modulation of Immune Function: Analysis of Evidence, Mechanisms, and Clinical Relevance.Front Immunol. 2019;9:3160. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2018.03160
5. Farag MA, Ali SE, Hodaya RH, et al. Phytochemical Profiles and Antimicrobial Activities of Allium cepa Red cv. and A. sativum Subjected to Different Drying Methods: A Comparative MS-Based Metabolomics. Molecules. 2017; 22(5):761. doi:10.3390/molecules22050761